James Makris







Jim Makris has extensive experience defending litigation matters for major hospital systems, individual physicians, and post-acute care providers, including skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), assisted living facilities (ALFs), home health care agencies and managed care organizations (MCOs).

Jim solves litigation problems through early expert analysis of the medical facts of each lawsuit, using his expertise to secure successful outcomes in high-exposure cases in difficult venues. As part of this process, Jim distills expert opinions and the facts from medical records and discovery to provide clients with sensible, accurate and cost-effective advice.

Prior to his position at Sheeley, Jim worked for 20 years litigating medical malpractice and long-term care matters for two law firms in Westchester County, New York, handling all written and expert witness discovery, motion practice, depositions and court appearances. In one of many successful outcomes in his career, Jim obtained a favorable settlement at trial following cross-examination of plaintiff’s witnesses in a dental malpractice action against a hospital involving surgical malpractice and conscious sedation.